Saturday, 23 March 2024

"Minidam" by Christian Garaud (1985)

This program is a "solitaire" logic puzzle game. The goal is to transpose the red pegs and blue to finish with the red pegs on the right and the blue pegs on the left. A peg can only move diagonally in the direction it is meant to travel, towards an empty space or jump over a peg to reach a space that is empty. You can start with any colour that you want. To move a peg, just type box number in which it is located. If you are stuck, type 99 to restart.

Published in the French language magazine Micro 7, April 1985.  I translated the French prompts and ported to the code to Micro Colour BASIC.  The game was originally for the ZX Spectrum 8-bit computer.

Not sure if this puzzle even works.  But it struck me as an interesting piece of code to get working, from a old computer magazine that I had never heard of before.

I also typed in another program called "Testamour" (TSTAMOUR). It is credited to the editorial team of Micro 7.  It's meant to test the reader's knowledge of BASIC. If they could figure out what was going on, then they would be able to respond in a way that they would get rewarded with an image being printed on the screen. Perhaps the answer of what the program did would have been revealed in the following month's edition of the magazine for those who didn't understand BASIC well enough to figure out the trick for getting the image to display.

I know Steve Bjork had mixed feelings about the MC-10, but as an MC-10er I have nothing but the deepest respect for him. His programming skills were an inspiration to me as young programmer. Allen Huffman recently sent me some old BASIC code of Steve's. I have ported his perpetual calendar source. Now he is a contributor to the MC-10 program library. Thanks so much Steve!

Finally, here is a slight update to an old program from way back that I typed-in called XMAS.  It is from the Coco.  But the program only used to blink red lights by using RESET. But now I have it cycle through multiple colours.


Christian left a message on Facebook and says the puzzle is solvable:

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